Tuesday 16 June 2015

Groups starting in September

Can you play the guitar, flute, saxophone, trumpet, drums, piano, clarinet, bass guitar?  do you like to jam with your friends? Do you like to improvise?  Come and join Jazz band!

Other groups that could are:

Gospel choir:

Musicals/Show choir:

Junior rock band:

Keyboard club:

Djembe drumming group:

Thursday 11 June 2015

Summer music homework.

As part of our baseline testing in music next year, each one of you will be assessed on your CURRENT musical ability, whatever that may be.
To be ready, please be prepared to perform a short appropriate piece on an instrument of your choice in your first music lesson in September 2015.
This is not to judge how good your are, but to know where your current performance abilities are so I know how to develop your musicianship skills over the coming years.
PLAY or SING a song.  This can be piece that you've learnt on the keyboard, recorder, ukulele, guitar, flute, clarinet or any other instrument that you can already play.

(This is Tracy Chapman, go and listen to her on YouTube)

I will post some examples of videos to give you a better idea by the first week in July.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Welcome to your very own Harris Invictus music blog!

Check this blog regularly for updates on classwork, homework, concerts and all things music!