Autumn term 1: Rhythm and melody.
Focus: This half term you will learn how to read and write simple music rhythms and melodies. You will learn about the importance of performing with others. You will also have an introduction to the keyboard.Note values: To build a rhythm, you have to combine different notes. In year 7 and 8 you will work with 4/4 times, meaning you will the equivalent of 4 beats in a bar.
Practical activity: Complete this activity as a class: Be sure you can perform each bar/'time' while keeping to a steady beat.
How to draw the treble clef:
Notes on the treble clef stave:
Line and space notes:
Group performance task:
Extension performance sheet:Composing a rhythm task:
Consolidation: Compose a 4 bar melody on the keyboard using the notes on the treble clef stave.
Autumn term 2: Reggae music!
Focus: Learn to play chords and to perform in time with someone else.
The song you will learn to perform this term will be Three little birds by Bob Marley.
Practical homework week 1: Learn to play chord C, F and G on the keyboard. Be able to play it in a steady 4/4 rhythm.
(Instructional videos to follow)
Practical homework week 2:
Play the Riddim and Skank for chord C, F and G.
Homework week 3:
Be able to play the Chorus of Three little birds. Don't forget you need to play the Riddim and Skank.
Homework week 4: Play the verse of three little birds. You must play the Riddim and Skank.
Week 5 & 6: Rehearse and perform.